A Reminder for Believers Amidst What’s Happening in Ferguson.

Why, hello there people I love.


Today is a sad day. As we look at what all is happening in Ferguson, it becomes more clear how broken this world is. How in need of a Savior this world is.

This will be talked about for a while. It will be talked about on the news. It will be talked about at your job. It will be talked about in schools. It may even be talked about around your Thanksgiving table in just a few days. For those of you who are believers reading this, here are a few reminders to consider before you speak, think, or act.

1. Sin is not a black or white thing. Evil is not a black or white thing. Ignorance is not a black or white thing. None of these things are a condition of color or ethnicity. All of these things are a condition of the heart. Be sure not to get that twisted.

2. Fight less for your opinion to be heard and more for peace to win. There is so much venom being spread throughout media and social networking fighting for various sides or opinions. If you take a side or opinion, I understand as all of this is such an incredibly sensitive situation. But I am asking you to step back, ask yourself if your fight is adding gasoline or water. Are your words helping or hurting. We need more peace makers. In order for healing, we need peace.

3. Vengeance is the Lord’s. Let Him do what He does and pray for those you disagree with. Do not act out of anger or emotion. Let God be God. Revenge and hateful words are counterproductive to restoration.

4. Love people. Love all people. You’re called to do it. When you accepted Him as Lord of your life, you signed on to represent Him. Represent Him well during this time. Have no other agenda but showing people who He is by the way you speak, act, and live. Be a light.

5. Pray. Pray for peace. Pray for healing. Pray for restoration. Pray for unity. Pray for forgiveness.

6. If you find any of this hard to do, consider disconnecting and taking a breather. If people are saying stupid stuff on Facebook, log out of Facebook. If what you see on the news makes you filled with hate and anger, turn the TV off. I’m not telling you not to care, I’m just telling you to guard yourself. It’s Thanksgiving week. Distract yourself with friends and family. Thank God for them. Focus on all the blessings you have.

I know that’s what I’ll be doing this week, because I certainly have a lot to be thankful for.

Have a peaceful and grateful week. Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours.




About haleymorgansmith

I am a speaker, worship artist, writer, and boiled peanut connoisseur from Atlanta, GA. Welcome to my life. It's a doozy. View all posts by haleymorgansmith

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