Tag Archives: Mary

Mary, The Teenage Mom of Jesus.

Why, hello people I love.

Have you seen the new Annie? Cause I just did and I want to shave Jeremy’s head clean, put a little fro on Boone right now, and break out into song. Is that weird? Hmm.

BTW, Boone is our new dog we adopted. I’ll tell you more about him later.


Look. At. That. FACE.


Today I took a sweet friend, Melissa, who I get to hang out with and “mentor” every once in a while out to see Annie. It was crazy good, especially if you appreciate the original Annie. A little bit of language, but the whole thing was just way better than I expected. I wanted to take Melissa because she recently sang (and nailed) “Tomorrow” at her voice recital. It was also sort of ironic because of Melissa’s story.


Melissa at her recital.


Meet Melissa. She is 14 years-old. She loves horses and 5 Seconds of Summer (For those who have no idea who that is, you are not alone). She loves to sing.  She has the kindest heart. She loves Jesus. She asked for American Flag cowboy boots for Christmas. She’s a modern day Tom Petty song. Seriously, Melissa is an awesome, awesome teenage girl.

But Melissa’s story isn’t perfect. Melissa has experienced a lot in her life. She was adopted by some wonderful people at an earlier age, but before that she endured some really tough situations. Situations tough enough that some people would wonder how a little girl could ever pull through them.

It’s funny. Lately, I’ve been really thinking a lot about Mary, Jesus’ mom. Today while I was hanging out with Melissa, I couldn’t help but think that Mary wasn’t much different from Melissa’s age when God told she would be Christ’s mom. I mean think about the gravity of that for two seconds. Here is a teenage girl, with zits and emotions. God picks her out of all the other more equipped, more qualified women in the world to be the mother of His perfect son, the Savior of the world. And then take in to account, this kid is a virgin. Like, what the heck, God? Talk about stressful and scandalous. But she did it. She said yes to Him as scared as she was.

And with that story, 2000 years later, here’s a teenage girl named Melissa. A girl with an unperfect story. Someone with odds against her. But yet, she’s doing it. She’s pushing through all that adversity. She can do this.

And you know what, you can do this. I have no idea what you’re facing right now. But God  put some very personal touches in how He did things to let you know, you can do this. You can face what you are facing. The key is trust. Maybe God used ordinary people like Mary to do big things in order to show us that we don’t have to be “qualified or equipped”, we just have to trust Him.

So, trust Him.

And have a Merry Christmas.





Haley Face Haley Morgan Smith is a Christian speaker, worship artist, and writer from Atlanta, GA. You can connect with her on these other sites.

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