Mary, The Teenage Mom of Jesus.

Why, hello people I love.

Have you seen the new Annie? Cause I just did and I want to shave Jeremy’s head clean, put a little fro on Boone right now, and break out into song. Is that weird? Hmm.

BTW, Boone is our new dog we adopted. I’ll tell you more about him later.


Look. At. That. FACE.


Today I took a sweet friend, Melissa, who I get to hang out with and “mentor” every once in a while out to see Annie. It was crazy good, especially if you appreciate the original Annie. A little bit of language, but the whole thing was just way better than I expected. I wanted to take Melissa because she recently sang (and nailed) “Tomorrow” at her voice recital. It was also sort of ironic because of Melissa’s story.


Melissa at her recital.


Meet Melissa. She is 14 years-old. She loves horses and 5 Seconds of Summer (For those who have no idea who that is, you are not alone). She loves to sing.  She has the kindest heart. She loves Jesus. She asked for American Flag cowboy boots for Christmas. She’s a modern day Tom Petty song. Seriously, Melissa is an awesome, awesome teenage girl.

But Melissa’s story isn’t perfect. Melissa has experienced a lot in her life. She was adopted by some wonderful people at an earlier age, but before that she endured some really tough situations. Situations tough enough that some people would wonder how a little girl could ever pull through them.

It’s funny. Lately, I’ve been really thinking a lot about Mary, Jesus’ mom. Today while I was hanging out with Melissa, I couldn’t help but think that Mary wasn’t much different from Melissa’s age when God told she would be Christ’s mom. I mean think about the gravity of that for two seconds. Here is a teenage girl, with zits and emotions. God picks her out of all the other more equipped, more qualified women in the world to be the mother of His perfect son, the Savior of the world. And then take in to account, this kid is a virgin. Like, what the heck, God? Talk about stressful and scandalous. But she did it. She said yes to Him as scared as she was.

And with that story, 2000 years later, here’s a teenage girl named Melissa. A girl with an unperfect story. Someone with odds against her. But yet, she’s doing it. She’s pushing through all that adversity. She can do this.

And you know what, you can do this. I have no idea what you’re facing right now. But God  put some very personal touches in how He did things to let you know, you can do this. You can face what you are facing. The key is trust. Maybe God used ordinary people like Mary to do big things in order to show us that we don’t have to be “qualified or equipped”, we just have to trust Him.

So, trust Him.

And have a Merry Christmas.





Haley Face Haley Morgan Smith is a Christian speaker, worship artist, and writer from Atlanta, GA. You can connect with her on these other sites.

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A Reminder for Believers Amidst What’s Happening in Ferguson.

Why, hello there people I love.


Today is a sad day. As we look at what all is happening in Ferguson, it becomes more clear how broken this world is. How in need of a Savior this world is.

This will be talked about for a while. It will be talked about on the news. It will be talked about at your job. It will be talked about in schools. It may even be talked about around your Thanksgiving table in just a few days. For those of you who are believers reading this, here are a few reminders to consider before you speak, think, or act.

1. Sin is not a black or white thing. Evil is not a black or white thing. Ignorance is not a black or white thing. None of these things are a condition of color or ethnicity. All of these things are a condition of the heart. Be sure not to get that twisted.

2. Fight less for your opinion to be heard and more for peace to win. There is so much venom being spread throughout media and social networking fighting for various sides or opinions. If you take a side or opinion, I understand as all of this is such an incredibly sensitive situation. But I am asking you to step back, ask yourself if your fight is adding gasoline or water. Are your words helping or hurting. We need more peace makers. In order for healing, we need peace.

3. Vengeance is the Lord’s. Let Him do what He does and pray for those you disagree with. Do not act out of anger or emotion. Let God be God. Revenge and hateful words are counterproductive to restoration.

4. Love people. Love all people. You’re called to do it. When you accepted Him as Lord of your life, you signed on to represent Him. Represent Him well during this time. Have no other agenda but showing people who He is by the way you speak, act, and live. Be a light.

5. Pray. Pray for peace. Pray for healing. Pray for restoration. Pray for unity. Pray for forgiveness.

6. If you find any of this hard to do, consider disconnecting and taking a breather. If people are saying stupid stuff on Facebook, log out of Facebook. If what you see on the news makes you filled with hate and anger, turn the TV off. I’m not telling you not to care, I’m just telling you to guard yourself. It’s Thanksgiving week. Distract yourself with friends and family. Thank God for them. Focus on all the blessings you have.

I know that’s what I’ll be doing this week, because I certainly have a lot to be thankful for.

Have a peaceful and grateful week. Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours.




6 Things Students Who Went To Youth/Church Camp Need To Do RIGHT NOW.

Why, hello people I love.

It’s back to school time. Congrats, parents. My sincere apologies, teachers and students. 🙂


I always hated going back to school, mainly because it meant summer was over. I could no longer sleep past lunch. I could no longer watch all my court shows and “You are not the baby daddy” shows that I wasn’t allowed to watch. Nope. It was back to the stressful days of early mornings, boys, cafeteria food, and making sure I didn’t have the same American Eagle shirt as any of the other girls (which was always a massive fail). Oh, and occasionally I did school work.

Going back to school was also a reminder that I wasn’t in my safe little bubble anymore. Each summer, I went to at least two church or Christian camps. I always left feeling on fire and ready to conquer anything. And then I’d go back to school and something would change. There wasn’t a worship band pumping me up each morning. There was no designated time for quiet time or reading my Bible. All my youth group friends and camp friends were at their houses now. The speaker who challenged me to know and love God better was back at wherever he lived. All the sudden, I was thrown back in to the world, alone. And honestly, it was a little scary. I didn’t want to go back to my old self. I wanted to keep this fire I got at camp. But in order to keep that fire, it was up to me now and I felt a little lost on how to make that happen.

This past summer, I spoke or led worship at several different awesome youth camps and conferences. Maybe you were at one of them.

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If you did go a youth camp or conference this past summer, here are some things you can do that I wish someone would have told me about keeping that fire after camp.

  1. Reflect and prioritize. First things first. Before you do anything else, you have got to have reflect on who you were before, how God changed that and what you learned at camp; why it’s important for you to keep Him first in your life and develop a plan of how you’re gonna make that happen. Otherwise, it’s gonna be a whole lot easier to fall back into past patterns. Remember that excitement you had or have, and refuse to put anything else above your relationship with Jesus. You’re a student. You’re busy. You’ve got stuff to do. Commit to putting your relationship with God before all the stuff. Even if it’s sports, even if it’s friends, even if it’s school. I’m not telling you to slack of on those things, because God wants your best at all of them. But I am saying, don’t let them become more important than connecting with Him.
  2. Make a designated time in your day for Quiet Time. Find a time that you can connect with God every day. Make it a routine so it doesn’t become an after thought. Spend time with Him through prayer and His Word. No texting, Facebooking, Twittering. Just you and Him. Whether it’s before you go to bed, when you wake up, at lunch- set a consistent time for you to do that everyday. Spending time with Him is just like you spending time with your friends, or your boyfriend or girlfriend. If you don’t spend time with them, things get distant. Don’t allow that. If you have trouble with figuring out what to read- check these study Bibles out. You can also download a free App called YouVersion. That app has a lot of studies you can pick from and easy to read translations, and even has reminders for you to read.
  3. Get plugged in. Get involved in your youth group and stay consistent with it. Same thing with FCA or Young Life at your school. This helps you refuel and stay accountable. Now, I’ll be honest with you. This was hard for me. There were so many other things I wanted to do that landed the same time as church. I would find myself slowly but surely detaching myself from church till it became something that I wasn’t really involved in. I found myself just not wanting to go. I’d go when it was convenient. Here’s the thing though- if I’ve committed to putting God first on list of priorities, quiet time and church are important. Why? Because they help us further know and love Him more. If you don’t have a church, find one that you can grow at. Get with the youth pastor, tell them your story, and get plugged in. My church has several strategic partner churches and one could be in your area. Click here to find a church for you.
  4. Get a mentor. Find someone of the same sex who is further a long in their walk with Jesus than you are to be a mentor to you. This person might be a little older than you, but they still get you and you like hanging with them. Obviously, it needs to be someone you can trust. Work out a plan to hang out with them every week or every other week. Go to the movies, go out to eat, whatever. But at some point, do a check in with them about how things are going in your life and walk. And be honest. If you did something stupid, be honest. This person is not there to judge you, but to encourage you in your walk. Chances are, they’ve done something stupid too, and can help you navigate through your issue. If you have someone in mind to mentor you, talk with your youth pastor. If they don’t have anyone in mind, email me at and I’ll do my best to connect you with someone.
  5. Find your core group. All of us typically have a group of people we hang out with most. They are our people, our peeps, our boys, our homies (yep, just said that). The thing we need to evaluate is whether our core group helps us or hurts us in our relationship with Christ. If they hurt us, if they bring a ton of drama to the table, if they keep throwing temptations to us, if they don’t respect the fact that Jesus comes first, it’s time to find a different core. Your core group needs to be people who are walking the same direction you are, who are going to help you and keep you accountable. If your gonna be spending a lot of time with your friends, this group is who most of that time needs to be with. Could be people from your youth group, FCA, etc. Now, understand this. This doesn’t mean don’t love or be friends with other people. Other people need your example. Just make sure you safe guard yourself from being influenced by anything that would trip you up. Your core group helps you do that.
  6. Realize this isn’t supposed to be easy. Being a follower of Christ isn’t always easy. We are people. We have wants. We have desires. We’re sinners. We’re broken. That’s what grace was invented for. You are going to be tempted. You are going to have things thrown in your face that will not be easy to say “No” to. You’re also going to have things not go your way even when you do the right thing. The Christian walk is not all pretty flowers and butterflies with Hillsong playing in the background. Sometimes, it’s the hardest thing you can imagine. But here is the cool part. You have the comfort of knowing God will never leave you or give up on you. You will always have the security of Him and His love for you regardless of what life is throwing at you. So, don’t give up. Don’t quit. Fight the good fight. Love God as much as you can and love people as much as you can. Be faithful to Him, because He is always faithful to you. People won’t always love you the way they’re supposed to. Life won’t always be a friend. But God always will.

Feel free to throw more ideas on how to stay on the right path in the comments below. I’m praying for your journey.

Oh, real quick. If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “Man, I’d love to go on a cruise with Haley Morgan Smith,” or “Man, I’d love to go to Puerto Rico and the Turks and other fun places,”….you can! I’ll be speaking and playing on the All Access Cruise in February 2015.

cruise image

If you book before October, you’ll get to eat dinner and take an excursion with me- like zip-lining or four wheelin’ through the jungle. To some of ya’ll, that’s a terrible selling point. but I promise it will be worth your time. Either way, check it out.


Haley Face Haley Morgan Smith is a Christian speaker, worship artist, and writer from Atlanta, GA. You can connect with her on these other sites.

Facebook    Twitter   Instagram   Email



Are You ALL IN?

Why, hello people I love.


Ya’ll. Crazy thing. Last week I wrote about blog about sex and marriage based on some of the response I’ve seen about the book and movie “Fifty Shades of Grey” (If you haven’t read it, you can here). A lot of people read it. Some people loved it. Some people liked it. Some people wanted to give me the world’s worst wedgie (say that 3 times fast). It was kinda like the Doritos kid on the Super Bowl commercial a couple of years ago. “Don’t talk about my momma! Don’t talk about my 50 Shades of Grey!”


In all seriousness, I get it. No one wants anyone to disagree with something they say, do, or like. It’s annoying. I understand.

Many people responded to me afterwards. I tried replying back as much as I could, but it got to a point where I couldn’t really keep up. Hopefully, if I didn’t get to respond to you, today’s blog will work as a response for you. Either way, if you read that blog last week or didn’t, I have something really, very important for you today.

First, here’s this. I initially wrote about the problems I see in 50 Shades due to the incredible response to the trailer of the movie that came out in the last couple of weeks. On every social media site I was on, my news feed was covered with that trailer from women sharing it. In almost every share, there was a comment talking about how hot, or sexy the guy playing Christian Grey was and how they couldn’t wait to see him in action on the screen. It was a lot like the reaction some women had about Robert Pattington (Twilight) or Channing Tatum (Magic Mike). A lot of these ladies were married. This made me sad. One- because our culture is so overly saturated with sex. Two- because I believe with all my heart, if people (women and men) were as compassionate about their marriages as they are with these sort of things, they wouldn’t fall apart as easily as they do. We aren’t guarding our hearts like we need to.

Now before you go, “Haley, that’s judgmental. And God don’t like that mess,” there is one thing I have to clear up. There seems to be a stigma about the word “judging”. Honestly, as Christians we’ve probably made that stigma ourselves because we have a habit of reacting to things we disagree with in two ways. Either we’re silent or we’re hateful/condemning/ “judging”. Not all of us, but a lot of us. Here is the deal. There is a difference in “judging”, being hateful, acting like we’re better and then speaking out of concern, love, and honesty because we want the best for people. My words have nothing to do with legalism, or judgement, or condemnation. Frankly, I can’t be better than anyone. Just because I’m a Christian doesn’t mean I’m perfect and have it all together, but rather that I recognize how jacked up I am and that I need a perfect Savior’s grace. I’m as broken as the next person. And I’m not immune to sin. That said, I can recognize something and make someone aware of it out of love and concern. Just like if you see me slacking off at work and see that I’m potentially going to get written up, you can respond to me in different ways. You can say, “Haley, you’re an idiot. You’ll never amount to anything.”  You can say nothing at all. Or you can say,” Haley, get it together, my friend.  I love you and I don’t want you to lose your job.”  I’d rather not be called an idiot. I’d also rather someone speak up in my life and not just sit and watch the show. I believe that a lot of the brokenness we see in the church and in the world is due to an incredible lack of accountability. We need to speak up. We need to be honest. We need to get real. But we need to do it in LOVE while reminding ourselves that we are not immune to sin.

So, why is the “protecting our heart thing” so important anyway? What is the big dang deal, Haley? This is the big dang deal. God loves you so much that it’s ridiculous. His love for you is so big and so intense. Just like a new daddy loves his brand new baby girl or baby boy and would walk through fire for them, God is head over heals in love with you like that, but multiply that by infinity. He is all in for you, and He’s proven that by sending Jesus to die in place of us so that we may live in His freedom. He’s proven that by the air you’re breathing as you read this. Regardless of where you come from or anything you’ve done, God loves you.

I’m gonna shoot straight with you. I don’t come from a perfect background. My mom was 18 and single when she had me. She and my grandparents raised me and loved me and were actually really awesome, but they were imperfect people and made mistakes just like any other parents. I grew up in a pretty legalistic church. For a lot of my life, I followed God’s “rules” because I was scared of Him. I thought if I broke one of them, God would strike my butt with lighting and send me to hell. I was trying to work my way to heaven and trying to work my way into getting Him to like me. Later on I found out about this thing called “grace”. I learned what God really thought of me. That changed the whole game for me. I learned that these “rules” God had set, weren’t necessarily rules, but guidelines for my life that He made out of love for me. God wanted and wants me to be the best version of myself that I can be.  God loves you and wants you to be the best version of yourself you can be.

So here’s the question. Knowing this truth- that God loves us, wants the best for us, and is ALL IN for us- are we ALL IN for Him? Are we All IN for Him in what we watch, what we read, what we listen to, what we say, how we speak to people, how we live our lives behind closed doors, etc.? Those things DO matter. Is He our number one? Do we love Him enough to put down the things that we might want to do but don’t necessarily need to do? Do we want to reach the full potential He has for us, or do we want to Bon Jovi this junk and say “It’s MY life,” and do our own thing? This is the truth. God is too good for us to love Him with anything less than our best. And you know what, you’re too awesome yourself to be anything but your best. You are the only you God created and He created you fearful and wonderfully. Why cheat Him? Why cheat yourself? I’m not saying be perfect, because we can’t. But we can give ourselves a self check and determine what spots in our lives are keeping us from loving Him and living at our best.

I am not perfect. I don’t have a perfect marriage or a perfect husband. But I am loved by an incredible God. And He blessed me with an incredible man. I’m going to make mistakes in both my relationships with my husband and God. But they love me too much and I love them too much to say that where I am in my life is good enough. God loves me just the way that I am, yes. But He doesn’t want me to be stay this way. He wants me to grow. Because He loves me. Just like a good dad wants for his kids. He wants you to grow. Because He loves you.

So here’s my encouragement and challenge to you. I encourage and challenge you to evaluate where you are with God and how you can love Him and others better. You are here for a purpose. You have one life. Are you going to live it ALL IN?

I am all in

Till next time,


Haley Face Haley Morgan Smith is a Christian speaker, worship artist, and writer from Atlanta, GA. You can connect with her on these other sites.

Facebook    Twitter   Instagram   Email



The Problem with 50 Shades of Grey.

Why, hello people I love.


Before I continue writing, note that this blog is PG-13. I’m gonna talk about sex. So. Fair warning.

Picture this. You’re in the kitchen warming up supper and your husband comes home from work. He says hello, kisses you, and lays a plastic bag on the counter. In the plastic bag is book with a naked lady on the cover in a provocative pose. You get on Facebook, and you see he has liked the fan page of the book. You see that he has shared the book’s movie trailer on his page. You see that he is discussing with all his guy friends publicly who should  be the actress portraying the naked girl on the book cover. He is discussing which lady in Hollywood is the hottest, has the biggest breasts and butt, prettiest face, etc. He is saying how he wishes the naked lady’s character was real. How “she” is so “fine”. How “she” turns him on. Picture that he logs off Facebook, gets in bed with you, turns on his lamp and starts reading this book-  beside you. No shame. No hiding anything. Then he kisses you goodnight and goes to sleep without saying anything about any of that.

Imma tell you right now. If that ever happened to me, The Man would wake up by a punch to the throat and see that he doesn’t have any eyebrows left cause I had shaved them off in his sleep. Straight up! Some of ya’ll are thinking that’s violent and crazy and that I need Jesus. You. Are. Right.

That would be incredibly disrespectful. No sane woman wants to find out that her husband is fantasizing about someone else other than her. No sane woman wants to see that her husband is publicly putting it out there that anybody else but her is the most beautiful thing in the world (aside from his kids). It’s hurtful. It’s kills our confidence. It kills our trust. So why is it that, when the tables are turned, we act like it’s a completely different situation?

I can remember when Twilight first came out. There were 40-year-old women lined up at the midnight premier with their “Team Edward” shirts on screaming with the 13-years-olds that had shirts on that said, “I wish I was Bella”. Then there was Magic Mike. Now, there is 50 Shades of Grey. We as ladies are living a double standard. We’re real quick to call men out for being pigs or dogs, but we somehow find these books and movies permissible- like they’re not as bad.

Here’s the problem with that. Actually, here’s a few problems.

1. It’s sin. Pointblank. Sin is sin and lust is a sin. We can roll our eyes all we want to because we feel like what we’re doing is not as bad as “other things”, but at the end of the day- we know the truth. Lust is a sin. Period.

2. It condones the world’s version of sex and ignores God’s version. The movies and books have a completely skewed version of how sex is supposed to work. If you turn on the TV tonight- even like on TeenNick or ABC Family, you will have a clear understanding of the world’s view of sex. “Sex is ok if protected.”, “Sex is OK if you’re ‘ready’.” , “Sex is for fun.”, “Sex is for everyone.”, “Sex is meant to be experimented with.”, “Sex can be with different people.”, “Sex is one of those things that ‘just happens’ (can’t control it).”, “It’s ‘just sex’.”

Here’s the thing. The church hasn’t done the most awesome job in explaining how sex is supposed to work. When I was a kid, all I knew is that if I got into the backseat of a car with a boy, I’d get pregnant.  If I had sex, I’d die or I’d get pregnant. That was it. Then the world said the opposite thing to me. So if my two choices are have sex and die or have sex because it’s fun and liberating- I’m probably gonna pick the one where I don’t die and God doesn’t hate me and send me to hell.


Here’s the intention for sex. Sex was made for married people. Why ONLY married people? Because sex is an incredibly emotional thing God created. It is as close as you can get to someone. It bares everything- emotionally, physically, the whole nine. Whoever you give yourself to, you need to be able to trust with your whole heart. You can’t count on that with some guy you just met. You can’t count on that with your boyfriend , because he hasn’t committed himself fully to you yet. He hasn’t stood in front of you, God, and everyone else in your life shouting to the world that he will love, cherish, and honor you (and only you) all the days of his life by marrying you. God said sex is for married people, not to restrict you and get on your nerves, but to protect you. Sex is a gift for your spouse. God doesn’t want you wasting it. Sex also creates babies. I don’t know about you, but I want the father of my children to be someone I want to be around the rest of my life. Not just some guy who was cute at the time.

Now here’s what a lot of believers don’t understand or say. Sex is NOT a BAD thing. Not if it’s God’s way. I think one reason why Christian women get tripped up on these books and movies is because they think that the world’s version of sex is more fun. That truth is (sorry Mom) sex is made to be enjoyed! WITH YOUR SPOUSE. Even as a Christian woman (GASP!). We have been taught to be ashamed of sex. We’ve been taught that it’s dirty. That’s a lie. It’s just meant to be with you and your husband.

3. It affects the heart. The eyes connect to the mind and the mind connects to the heart. Guarding your eyes, protects your heart. When you allow your eyes to be open to things you know are probably wrong, you’ve allowed even bigger issues to make their way in to your heart. If I crack the door open for a stranger at my house, they can kick the door in regardless to how open I had the door. The only way they can’t kick it in is to close it and lock that junk up. Here’s the deal. We are a curious people. We are questioning people. When we see something that stimulates our minds, we want to know more. We want to see more. We want to feel more.

Take it back to high school or college. You have a huge crush. You just want him to ask you on a date. He asks you out. Yessss. Now, you just want him to hold your hand. He holds your hand. *Butterflies*. Now you just want him to kiss you. He kisses you. Fireworks. What happens after that? Most teenagers (even really smart and well behaved teenagers) start to struggle. What can I do without having sex but is more than what I’m doing? How can I justify it so I don’t feel shame once I mess up? That’s how Satan works. It’s rare he just throws meth in a completely sober kid’s face. He starts with something smaller like pot. It’s starts with a spark. And then our curiosity grows and we find ourselves in a place we never wanted to be. It starts with a book of wordly ideas, and then all the sudden- we’re not getting what we want from our husbands, so we become unhappy with them and our minds begin to wander.

4. It hurts our relationship with our husbands. Here’s the deal. When you said your vows, you promised you’d honor your husband. A lot of women take this to mean “make the husband the boss” or “submit to his every word”. “Honor” means much more than that. It means to love, respect, and lift up. One thing that bothers be immensely is when husbands and wives are negative about marriage. I remember some months ago, someone asked if I still like being married after 3 years. I said yes. They said,”Just give it a few more years.” I reject that mess. I will not speak it into my life. My husband is a gift! I choose to see him as a gift even when he works my nerves to the core! Even when I fall in the toilet! Even when he starts sleep talking! He is a gift! God had him in mind for me before I was ever born. He created him to be my teammate in this life and has been working on him before I even knew him. He is not a burden. It is time we stop treating our spouses like burdens and start treating them like the gifts that they are! It is time we quit talking about marriage like it’s a curse rather than a blessing! No wonder divorce numbers are sky high. We get mad and quit too dang easily! We forget this life isn’t just about (ME), it involves someone else. We get selfish and we just quit.

Honoring our husbands means encouraging them. Loving them. Praying for them. Being the wives God called us to be. We laugh about reading these books or watching these movies. We laugh about how hot these men (who by the way are degrading themselves and women) are. We laugh about all of this in front of our husbands and kids. And it sends a message that THEY ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH. My marriage is not good enough. My sex life is not good enough. My husband is not good enough. That is straight from Satan himself. Not trying to get all preachy and “bapti-costal” on you, but it’s true. Satan wants to see marriages fail. And he’s done a great job at sending traps to married couples. The problem is, we’re not protecting ourselves. Satan can send traps, but he can’t make you fall for them. He can send the temptation, but he can’t make you DO anything. You have the decision. You can protect yourself or not.

So, here is my encouragement and challenge to you. I challenge you to reject the world’s definition of marriage and to accept God’s. I challenge you to reject the world’s definition of sex, and to accept God’s. I challenge you to reject that marriage is a burden and treat it as a gift. I challenge you to encourage your husband. To pray for him. To turn every aspect of your marriage to God, not just the parts you want to. And I challenge you to share this.

Husband greater than

Poopoo on you, Christian Grey. Jeremy Landers is the finest, sweetest, most wonderful man on the earth and I reject anything that says other wise.


Imma go kiss my husband now, ya’ll.




UPDATE: For my follow-up blog to this one, click here. Thanks for reading!


Haley Face Haley Morgan Smith is a Christian speaker, worship artist, and writer from Atlanta, GA. You can connect with her on these other sites.

Facebook    Twitter   Instagram   Email


Mad at the Church



Why, hello people I love.

If you follow this blog, you know I am all about being honest to the point of being embarrassing. I mean, I told ya’ll that I’m scared of vomit and that I pronounced “Muppets” wrong till a few months ago. It’s pretty clear by now that I’m an odd duck. Today I want to be very honest with you about something I’ve never shared publicly. I’ve wanted to share about it for the last couple of years, but have refrained out of fear. I like to think of myself as being very bold, but at the end of the day I DO care what people think of me and I would never want to offend or hurt anyone and have anyone mad at me. That said, I’ve prayed about this for a long time, have received confirmation and feel like it’s just time to put it out there. I think my experience could help some people.

Yesterday, I posted a status on my Facebook Page about being hurt by the church. If you didn’t see it, you can read it HERE. In the last year, there has been a recurring theme for people that come and speak with me after a concert or event and that is that they’re trying to figure out where to go after being hurt in a church situation. I got a few messages last night in response to my status. Most were very encouraging, a couple not so much and that’s OK. There are people who have had terrible experiences with church and are angry and hurt and SO “DONE” with church, and don’t want anyone to excuse the behavior they witnessed from their church leadership. I understand this because I have been there.

I have NEVER, EVER, not been in church in some capacity. It’s not a pat on my back, that’s just how I was raised and how my family worked. My pawpaw was a preacher and started the church I was born into and grew up in till he passed. My father was a deacon. My aunt was the piano player. I was at church an hour before it started and an hour after it ended. Sunday mornings, Sunday nights, Wednesday nights, baby showers, birthday parties- when the doors were unlocked I was there. There was only about 50 of us, maybe less. It was an incredibly rare bond. The people at that church were family. When I was 15, my dad sat me down to tell me we’d be leaving the place I had considered home for all of my life and looking for a different church. Without too many details, he had witnessed some pretty rough stuff from some of the leaders, confronted them, and the corruption continued. I can remember the last day we were at the church, my father had to stand in front of the congregation and tell them he was resigning as a deacon and why our family was leaving the church he had helped build. That’s the first time I ever saw my dad truly hurt. Many people supported my dad, some didn’t. Those some were all people who I had trusted and loved all of my life. In a matter a minutes, they were completely different people to me. A family was broken. Not much more than a year later, that church had completely disintegrated. It was empty, the pastor had quit ministry all together, and many families were broken. That was my first experience with being hurt by the church.

Not much too long after, my family joined a new church. I went to youth group, I made some friends, I grew, but at the end of the day it just wasn’t the same. I was very skeptical of trusting or getting too close to anyone. Finally, some years later when I started college, walls started to come down and I began to like church again. I started to get more involved. The people there were lovely and became like family just like before. I started to serve some. One of my college classes required me to be an intern for some sort of ministry, so I began to intern at this church. The internship went way better than expected and I was soon moved to a staff position. During this time, I had been starting what is now my job and ministry, but I wasn’t completely sure if that’s what God wanted for me. And frankly, the idea of traveling and doing ministry the way I do now terrified me. The church job was much more steady and “comfortable”, if you will- ESPECIALLY for 21-year-old.

After a few months of being on staff, things were going very well. The church was growing pretty rapidly, especially for the area. There was obvious growth in people. There was growth in myself. God was doing some really cool stuff. I thought, “This is it. This is what God wants me to do.” I felt fulfilled. I loved my job. I loved the people. I loved seeing how God was working and how He let me be a part of that. There were MANY people there who loved me and encouraged me in an authentic way to whom still love and encourage me to this day.

As “mature” as I thought I was, I had a GIANT blindside. I began to do something my father had told me never to do. I began to put my hope in people. I recently heard a person say, “ I don’t go to that church because it’s about ‘cliques’.” If that person would have said that to me 5 years ago, I wouldn’t have understood what they meant. The truth is, there were some incredible people in this church, but there was a pretty blatant issue with “cliques”. It was kind of like a high school thing. Certain people hung with certain groups. I was well liked, brought something new and fresh to the table,  very visible  and I found myself in the clique that I guess would be considered the “cool kids”. Looking back, it was really people who I guess considered themselves the ones who “ran” the church. Not necessarily all staff member, but some staff and leaders who “felt” as they were who made things happen. I was 21 years-old and they were what I considered as “grown ups”, much older than me. I looked up to them.

I was the “it” kid for a little bit and I liked it. I liked that they liked me. As time went by I started to see small things that didn’t set right with my spirit, but I was too scared of them not liking me to step up so I kept my mouth shut and  in some cases participated. It became OK to have a little gossip session about people who went to church with us but weren’t in our little group. Then it went from a little gossip to something way, way deeper. I started to hear and see agendas that I knew were not at all of God and I became incredibly uncomfortable.  The things I saw can only be best described in one word, sin. My head was spinning. How could these people who I had known, looked up to, and trusted for years do these kind of things behind closed doors and then act completely different on Sunday mornings. It made no sense. After a while of just watching, I decided to take a step back say something to a leader in this group that I trusted more than probably anyone in my life at the time. That’s when the whole game changed for me. I went from the “golden child” to “problem child” in one conversation. That group went from loving me to doing anything they could to either keep me quite or get me out entirely. If they didn’t hate me, they were sitting on the line of it. I had never experienced anything like that in my life, not even in school.

Several months later, I resigned and quietly walked away. I told a close friend and my dad some about it at the end, but for the most part I was silent.  I was done. Checked-out. And I, with no exaggeration, HATED church. I HATED CHURCH. I was so angry and hurt that I found myself depressed. I mean literally sick with anger and hatred. I was so angry with God. I was livid with Him. I couldn’t for the life of me understand why people I trusted and were supposed to live with higher standards had tricked me, lied about me, lied to me, hurt me, were doing it to others, AND He just let it happen!  I wasn’t perfect by any means, but I tried to be faithful to Him and felt He had left me out to dry. Not only was I angry with that group of people and God, but I was angry with myself. I hated myself. I believed I was worthless, stupid, and a failure just as I believed that group wanted me to. For several months, I quit church. The only time I’d go is if I had to sing (which at the time wasn’t a lot) and even then I was uncomfortable. A friend invited me to their church. After many no’s, I said yes. On the way there, I felt sick. When we pulled into the parking lot, I. LOST. IT. I screamed at the top of my lungs how angry I was with God and how angry I was at those people. I loved them and they let me DOWN. I love you God, and you have let me down! I screamed, cried, the whole nine. I turned around and went home. The next weekend, I tried again. I got in the building, but all I could think when listening to message is what messed up thing these leaders were doing behind closed doors. What hypocrisy was being hidden. What secrets there were. I was so insanely jaded. I was sick with unforgiveness.

Some people that have been hurt before fall off the rails and get into stuff they never did before when they were in church- like partying or saying they’re an atheist or whatever. I didn’t do that. I still knew God’s authority,I was just royally ticked off at Him. I fell off the rails in my anger  towards Him and hatred towards people. I didn’t trust God anymore and that made me sad. Then out of nowhere, God used someone random in my eyes and not so random in His to speak truth in my life. The reason I was so angry, wasn’t the fault of those people or God, it was because I had allowed myself to get that way. I had let hatred and unforgiveness invade my soul. I blamed God for something someone else did. And I held those someones in a higher place than what was reality. Reality was, those people were just that, people. Is what they did messed up? Unequivocally. But here is the deal. These people were sinners. Just like me. We are all messed up in some way and that’s why grace is such a big deal. The problem was, I had put my hope in something other than Jesus- People. And I had been burned.

There was something missing in the whole scenario with both churches that could have changed everything: ACCOUNTABILITY.

Both the congregation and leaders need accountability.

For those who have been hurt by the church- I do not make small of your experience. It is a pain unlike most. We are most vulnerable at church, and so when we’re hurt it burns like no other. But here is the TRUTH. The church was created for un-perfect people. It is a hospital for sinners, not a museum of saints. The only perfection that is in there is Jesus. Pastors and leaders are sinners and they mess up. So if you put your hope in people, even a pastor or leader, you’re gonna inevitably be disappointed. Pastors didn’t become perfect when they accepted their calling. They are still broken people in need of grace just as you are. I understand the “held to a different standard” thing, but the truth is they aren’t immune to sin. I encourage you if you’re not in church because of a bad experience, to understand not all experiences are alike. I encourage you to find a church, if you don’t have one, where you can grow. Where God is the focus. But don’t expect a perfect church, because there simply isn’t one. Ask God for discernment. And don’t walk away from God because someone represented Him poorly. That’s not His fault. And I’ll tell you something else that would have ticked me off if someone had said it to me, you have to forgive those who do represent Him poorly or hurt you. Not just say you forgive, but actually forgive. You cannot let someone have so much control over your life when they are broken to begin with. We are a broken people. All of us. Jesus is the only whole thing in life. It becomes much easier to forgive when your hope is Him rather than people because you understand grace better. And you understand that it’s hard to love Him at your best when you hate someone He loves so much. It humbles you.

For pastors and leaders of church- I urge you to have some sort of honest, God-centered accountability.  It is so easy to lose focus. Your job can quickly go from being about Jesus to how many bodies are in the seats, how much money is coming in, how modern and cool your church is, how cool you are, how people love you, how many laughs you get from that prepared joke, how many people you can get to come to the alter. All the sudden it’s about your ego. Satan hates you and wants to see you fall, so he’s gonna throw all that in your face. If you think you can handle that yourself, you are being naive. You are not immune to sin. Also, at the end of the day, even though you may recognize that you’re a sinner, people ARE watching you and making decisions based on what they see. Whether that’s fair or not doesn’t really matter- it’s GOING to happen. Just as it may be unfair for people to put that kind of pressure on you, it’s unfair to accept a calling and be irresponsible with it. It’s important to not make people watching you be your focus, but to be sensitive and aware of it. It’s important to safe guard your heart and stay focused and HONEST. I’ll be honest and say I am not immune to sin. I am blessed with older and wiser people to hold me accountable who I can share my deepest struggles with. The older and wiser people aren’t people who just say what I want to hear, but feed me truth. You can minister so much, that you don’t get ministered to. That’s a problem.

Too many times church becomes a fan club for the pastor and as I said in my status, that is so, so dangerous. If the church becomes about anything other than Jesus, it is destined to fail. If life becomes about anything but Jesus, it is destined to fail.

I’m no expert, but that’s my take on being hurt by the church. Most know, Jeremy and I attend North Point Community Church and that’s our church. Jeremy works there on a full-time basis and I lead worship there a good bit, but at the end of the day it’s our church and it’s where we grow and do life with people. Church is a lot different in a great way, because I have clear understanding of what it’s about as do the people around me. All that happened was years ago and I’m a little older now, although I’m still pretty young. What was a very painful experience is now looked at as a learning experience. I don’t know where that group of people are in their lives now, but I do know that if I saw them I would be able to smile and speak with them without being uncomfortable. And I can pray for them and be happy in the good things God brings to them. Because that’s what forgiveness does.

I don’t know if this helped anyone, but I pray it does… and that I don’t get hate mail. Because that would stink a whole bunch:) If you will, share this with your friends and pray God uses it to fix some hearts.


Talk soon,






Snow Day.

Why, hello people I love.

It snowed.

now dya

Our humble abode.

Our humble abode.

The Man is excited and full of glee even thought it took him SEVEN hours to get home due to traffic. SEVEN HOURS for a one hour drive. I am bored and cold. Sorry, people. Snow just isn’t my thing. It’s pretty to look at from inside, but that’s about as far as my interest goes. I don’t like cold and wet. Just don’t. I’m a jerk, I know.

Today, since I couldn’t drive anywhere, I did my co-writes (where I write songs with other people) on Skype. Thanks internet!

quiton cowrite

Speaking of, please go check out my friend and frequent co-writer – Quinton Tolbert. Pre-warning: you are going to slap yourself pretty hard and think you’re not in real life when you hear him. Don’t say I didn’t tell ya. LAWD.

After my session with Quinton, I checked Facebook where everyone and their momma is freaking out over some milk and bread and eggs. I, for one, don’t get the milk, bread, and eggs obsession. I can understand toilet paper, Gushers, and canned soup, but not milk, bread, and eggs. The Man voiced his concerned about the milk, bread, and eggs phenomenon when I sent him to the store during all this hysteria.

He called me from the store and said,”I believe there is something about snow and ice that make people crave French Toast, cause people are fighting each other for milk, bread, and eggs. I’m leaving before I get hurt.” He’s a smart one, that Man. French Toast is not worth any blood shed.


One reason why bread isn’t on our grocery list is because I don’t buy bread. I make it. I say that as non-obnoxiously as I can.

Remember a couple of months ago when I wrote about some things you may not know about me? One of those was about how if I didn’t do music, I’d want to run a self-sufficient farm. Jeremy and I started thinking more about that more and have figured out how to have a semi-homestead. We’ve started a garden, I make my own bread, pasta, and tortillas, starting to mill my own flour. Stuff like that. I’d love to have my own chickens and cows, but there’s no time for that. So we’re just doing what we can do.

I’ve told a couple of friends about it and their first question is- how do you have time for that. Well, there’s a couple of ways. One- I don’t have kids or pets. Two- I freeze and can a lot of things. So, if I have a Monday at home- I can make bread and pasta and freeze it, can vegetables, etc. Then what I’ve got doesn’t go bad. I have a little irrigation system for my garden as well as a momma who will go over and tend to the garden when I’m gone. So, we make it work.

Another snotty thing about us, is we eat clean I would say 80% of our diet. Just something we’ve been convicted about. So we’re those weird hippies who don’t like chemicals in or on our food. Since we’ve started eating this way- along with some exercise- I’ve lost around 15lbs and overall we both just feel WAY better. It’s not for everyone, but it works for us.

Also, we’re saving about $40 a WEEK on our grocery bill, which is The Man’s favorite part. It’s not hard, it just takes some time. For us, it’s worth it. When we’re at home, we work on our semi-homestead. When we’re not, we have a some sweet people to help keep it up.

Anyway, back to bread. I make my own bread. Here’s what I’m doing today.

bread in pan

I made this loaf last week, and it’s super easy…and gone. Hence why I’m making more today. It does have some flour, so it’s not whole wheat. But it’s still awesome. Don’t let the prep time intimidate you- it’s really a whole bunch of waiting. I had two conference calls while I was making this stuff. Here’s how I did it.

  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2¼ teaspoons (1 packet) active dry yeast
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 2½ cups whole wheat flour
  • 2 cups bread or all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup rolled oats, plus more for topping loaf
  • 4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, melted and cooled slightly
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  1. Pour water and milk into a microwave-safe bowl; heat 30 to 45 seconds until warm (about 115 degrees F). Pour into the bowl of a stand mixer.
  2. Add yeast and honey. Let sit 10 minutes until yeast is foamy.
  3. Stir in flours, oats, butter and salt. Using a dough hook, knead on medium speed 6 minutes until dough is smooth, elastic and only slightly sticky (alternatively, knead by hand 10 to 15 minutes on a lightly floured surface until smooth, elastic and only slightly sticky). Keep dough in bowl and cover with a tea towel. Let rise 1 hour until doubled.
  4. When dough is doubled, punch down and transfer to a lightly floured surface. Press into an 8-by-8-inch square, then tuck in sides slightly and roll up into a log. Transfer to a lightly greased 9-by-5-inch loaf pan, seam-side down. Cover with a tea towel and let rise 30 to 40 minutes until dough reaches the edges of the pan (but not doubled).
  5. Heat oven to 400 degrees F (375 degrees F if loaf pan is dark or nonstick). Sprinkle oats on top of risen loaf. Bake 40 to 50 minutes, rotating halfway through baking, until loaf is deep brown on top and sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom. Remove from loaf pan and transfer to a cooling rack to cool completely.



While mine’s still warm, I like to mix just a little bit of butter and honey, melt it, and brush it over the top. Boomshaklaka.

So, for all you winter freaker outers, make your own dang bread if you’re out! You really don’t need milk for most bread recipes. You just need to have some flour and yeast and sink that produces water on hand. Then I always have honey or some maple syrup so it doesn’t taste like bookey. That word is pronounce boo•key, not book•ie for those of you wondering.

Gonna start sharing some stuff we cook and do here at home with ya’ll for the ones who’ve asked. Here’s some other stuff I’ve made at home.



Deer Stew

Deer Stew

Ribs and Roasted Carrots w/green beans and sweet cornbread

Ribs and Roasted Carrots w/green beans and sweet cornbread

Oatmeal Pancakes

Oatmeal Pancakes

Open faced taco w/ homemade tortillas, egg, sautéed onions, homemade guacamole, and homemade salsa

Open faced taco w/ homemade tortillas, egg, sautéed onions, homemade guacamole, and homemade salsa

If you make some bread, send me a picture so I can see if it looks better than mine. 🙂

See ya when it’s warmer and Happy Hunger Games!



Why, hello people I love.

Did ya have a good Christmas?! Good, I’m glad to hear that! (Assuming you said yes)

The Man and I had a great Christmas aside from I got the crud a couple of days before. I didn’t have much of a voice for a few days. So, The Man had an awesome Christmas!

One thing I noticed this Christmas is that we are truly grown up and married, because we get excited about presents that some years back ago would have been completely lame. My cousins are all like, “WHOO HOO! An iPad!” “Wow!! New boots!”

The Man and I are shouting with glee, “YESSSS! A Swiffer Wet Jet!!!” Oh, how things have changed.


2013 was an incredible year for us personally and for our ministry- probably one of the best. We were blessed to minister at over 100 events and meet a lot of people and hear their stories. God brought some new amazing people to our team and that has been incredible. On a personal note, it was an insanely good year for my marriage, personal relationships, family life, home life, etc.

I’ll be very transparent with you- doing ministry full-time is hard. It just is. I’ve had people who I am close to say things like, “Wish I could play music, pack up and go home, and do nothing and make a living.”, “You’re so lucky you don’t have to have a real job”,  and stuff like that. Typically I just smile, but the flesh in me wants to find the nearest taser and zap their ill-informed tails. They seriously have no idea. If it were just as easy as getting on stage and playing music and that’s it, a lot more people would do it and do well at it. That’s just not how it works. There is A LOT that goes behind it.

When you are in music career that involves various companies and people, it’s very easy to feel like you have to almost overwork yourself to keep everyone happy. Just like any other job, it’s very easy to become a workaholic. I am very task driven, so it’s even easier for me to get consumed with work. 2012 was weird for me because I had just gotten married and just gotten signed, and it was confusing to figure out how to balance your work life and your family life. It wasn’t bad, it was just awkward and weird. However, 2013 was the year of boundaries for me. I was gonna do my best and work my booty  off, but there was a cut off time with no exceptions. Same went for The Man. When it was family time, it was family time. When it was quiet time, it was quiet time. 2013 was the year we figured out balance. AND IT WAS AWESOME. And you know what? I didn’t miss an opportunity, nothing messed up, if anything this was the best year of ministry we’ve had. Know why, because boundaries enable you to trust God more and quit trying to make things happen yourself. We’re very blessed that the people who are on our team and work with us understand this order in life: God first, family second, and ministry third. I encourage you to live that life in 2014. If the people around you don’t understand that, that’s their issue. Always fight for your relationship with God and your relationship with your family. If you come out without a job, you didn’t need to be there anyway. When you work, work hard and work well, but when it’s stopping time, stop. Leave it. It’ll be there tomorrow.

Anyway. That was just a big spill that has nothing to do with why I’m even writing this blog.

I’m writing this blog because it stinking cold. Like lick a snow flake off a pole and be stuck there for a few days cold. People are punching each other in face at Walmart for milk and bread. Pipes are bursting. School is being canceled. It’s just no fun cold.

BUT! Here’s the deal. Most of us have heat. Most of us have food. Most of us are completely fine, aside from being just a little melodramatic (at least in GA).

I’ve seen a lot of people post on Facebook to bring your pets in. I couldn’t agree more. Someone posted a picture of a dog covered in snow and I started squalling and had to unfriend them to not see the dang picture. Tore me up. Thinking about that brings me to think about all the people in this country who have no homes, who have no shelter, who have no heat, who have no food. I cringe to think about those people in this weather. With that said, I’d like to tell you about a very easy ministry you can start yourself that could change some lives.

Really, really long story short, when I was in college I became friends with a lady who was homeless. I met her one day in downtown Rome, GA where I would go between classes to study and eat lunch. On the particular day I met, it was extremely cold and she had a short sleeve shirt on and a skirt, and she was hunched over on a bench. It really, really messed with my head. I went up to her and asked her if she needed anything and she said, “I’d just like a blanket”. So I said I’d go pick her up one and just to hang on. I felt like puking all the way to the store. I mean it was messing me up thinking about this lady sleeping in the cold. I got to K-Mart with the intention of buying her a blanket. I ended up coming out with a duffle bag that rolled, an emergency blanket, a sleeping bag, pillow, hand sanitizer, bottles of water, beanie weenies, crackers, socks, gloves, a jacket, and other stuff I don’t remember.  Call it stupid, crazy, or whatever you want to, I was just incredibly convicted for being a spoiled brat who had everything, still complaining too much, and then seeing this lady with nothing. I stuffed all of it into a duffle bag along with an extra FCA Bible I had and wrote a note in the front to her. When I got back downtown, she was still sitting there. I walked up and handed her that 50 lb. duffle bag and she looked completely confused. I told her the blanket was in there along with some other stuff and that I had to go because I was late for class.  She said OK still looking at me like I had two heads and I headed off.

The next several times I saw her, she always had that duffle bag with her. I learned about her and heard her story. She eventually got a job at a gas station and moved into an assisted living place for people trying to start over down the street.

Since then, I’ve run into more people like her and gone out and gotten them what I call “relief bags”.  I probably spent $200 on that lady, and started to figure out I can’t afford to do that every time I see someone. So instead, I’ve made about $20 bags to keep in my car in case I see someone who needs it. I get a cheap book bag, some water, hand sanitizer, socks,  an emergency blanket, some crackers, any kinda cheap food that’s gonna last a while and gonna fill them up, and then I put an FCA Bible in there and write them a note in it. The bag is already ready and sitting my car for the next time I see someone.

A couple of friends have started to do this as well and they’ve put different things like grocery store gift cards, gloves, toboggans, etc. The point is to find a bag that people can carry easily and put stuff in it that will help them survive. Practical things. What would you need if you didn’t have a home? What could you use for a multiple purposes? That kind of stuff.

Now before I get a letter on being stupid, we obviously use discretion. It can be dangerous, so obviously be careful and think. But also live with compassion. You’ve no idea why these people are in the position they are in. Many of the ones I’ve met are veterans who came home to nothing. Not all homeless people or struggling people are drug addicts or alcoholics who made their own bed.

I think the bag idea is a cool one to do yourself, especially in this frigid weather. Have a couple of relief bags in your car for if you see someone. If you don’t want to do the bag thing, keep some old jackets or blankets in your car. Give them your left overs from eating out. There are lots of easy ways you can help people that don’t take much time or money. Love people. Pray with them. Talk with them. Volunteer. Donate. Just don’t do nothing.

It still baffles me that in America, people are homeless and/or hungry. There are kids that go to school with your kids who are hungry and slept with no heat last night. It makes no sense, not in this country.

Anyway, I hope that encourages you to reach out and do something. If anything, be grateful tonight for the “basics”. Not everyone has them.

Talk soon,


7 things you may or may not know about me.

Why, hello people that I love.

OK. My 67 year-old daddy asked me last week, “Do you still do that bloggin’ thang?”. That reminded me I probably need to blog soon. So, here we are 🙂

Couple of updates on what’s been going on with the ministry. In the last few months alone, we’ve ministered to well over 20,000 people on the road…sangin’ about the gewt Lawt. We’ve seen a lot of chains broken at concerts, more than normal. It’s really been interesting. Most of the chains broken have dealt with forgiveness. Gotten a lot of letters and side talks about being able to forgive through what God is doing with our music. That’s pretty huge. 3 other Christian artist have cut (recorded) songs I’ve written and are using those to minister to the hearts of people, which is really, really cool. God is continuing to blow us away. We’re just trying to continue to be faithful and follow the path He puts in front of us, rather than trying to make some jacked up road ourselves and fall in a pothole. It’s pretty amazing the things that happen when you do that, let God lay out the road I mean. There’s always more, but I’ll save it to disperse in future blogs.

If you do “The Facebook” as everyone in my life over the age of 60 calls it, you’ve probably seen this trend where people are posting a list of things you may or may not know about them. I’ll be honest, I hate social media trends. Mainly because they blow up my feed (or wall). In some cases, it makes me angry to a point of absurdity. When “planking” was big, I literally wouldn’t get on the internet because there was absolutely nothing on my wall but people laying down on stuff. THAT’S ALL PLANKING WAS, PEOPLE. LAYING DOWN ON STUFF. Oh. What. Fun. “Look, Mom! I can lay down on this random statue!” “Wow, Timmy! I’m so impressed and unbelievably proud! You should take a picture and post it to Facebook so everyone can see how insanely awesome this is!!! And when you’re done, go lay down on other random stuff and post pictures of it too, because EVERYONE IN THE WORLD NEEDS TO SEE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Ahhemm. Sorry. I’m still not over it. The Planking  era was a bad season for me and brings back a lot of difficult memories.

Anyway. This new trend of things you may or may not know, I actually like. I’ve actually learned a lot about the people in my life. Like that they were born in Arkansas or that they dislike people who can’t figure out the difference between their, there, and they’re,  or that their terrified of spider monkeys. In a lot of cases, these are important facts to know… especially when I’m planning on bringing my spider monkey to there houses. I wouldn’t want to put any of they’re lives in danger.

Boom. See what I did there?

But really. I like this trend. So I’m doing it myself. Here are 7 things you may or may not know about me.

1. If I didn’t do ministry/music full-time, I would want to run a completely self sufficient farm and household. Grow my own crops, kill my own meat, get water from a well, run our power solar, etc. Straight up modern day Little House on the Prairie. There are people in my life who would laugh at that, but I actually read about it quite frequently and have been interested in that kind of life since I was in middle school.

2. I can tell you every detail about the first time I saw The Man. What he was wearing down to the dang brand of hat, where he and I were standing, why we were standing there, who was standing next to me, what was playing on my iPod. That’s gotta be a God thing considering I can’t remember what I wore yesterday and whether I took my vitamins or not today. Might have accidentally double dosed.

3. I have a legitimate phobia called Emetophobia, where I am incredibly scared of vomit. I’ve had it my whole life.  I’ve talked a little bit about this before, but not sure to what extent. When people throw up, look like they are going to throw up, or I feel like I have to throw up, my heart rate goes in panic attack mode. If I see or hear someone get sick, it doesn’t make sick, it just scares me really bad and I’ll do whatever I can to get a way from it. Including sitting in a strangers lap in a Christmas trolley while I’m on a first date with a guy at a Christmas lights tour. Long story. It’s so bad that I will read the synopsis of movies to make sure no one throws up before I watch it. It drives Jeremy crazy because I typically know the ending of every movie before we watch it. I’m terrified of airports, airplanes or riding in passenger vans with strangers because of it (which those are just scary anyway). It’s probably the biggest reason I’m scared to have children. Like forget about that whole “Will I mess them up, Will they be productive members of society” stuff. I’m over here going, “What if they puke?!?” It’s bad ya’ll.

4. I ate a lot of bugs at my wedding. There were a lot of gnats because we got married beside a lake on a farm. We took communion during the ceremony and there were probably a bajillion gnats in our strawberry cider (we used strawberry cider instead of grape juice).  I remember the preacher saying , “Take this cup and drink”, looking down in the cup and thinking, “Crap.” Pretty sure I closed my eyes when I took my swig. I would’ve held my nose, but I already had ugly cry face pictures from walking down the isle. So I just pushed through. Then when we went back to our spots and were holding hands all sweet and wedding like, I said through my smiling teeth to The Man, “Dude. We just swallowed so many bugs.” He was like, “Huh?” Then we got interrupted by the preacher with vows and kissing and stuff.

4 1/2. Sometimes, I call the man “Dude”.

5. It’s really, really hard to make me authentically laugh. Most the time when I laugh, it’s a forced giggle. I probably authentically laugh once or twice every month. Don’t get me wrong, people absolutely make me smile and I think things are cute. I really am a happy person! But not a lot is just like super funny to me. Like when I watch sitcoms, I’m always thinking, “Does the audience really think that’s funny? Are they laughing for real or because they have to? Maybe it’s funnier when you’re watching live.” It’s weird. Now, when I do think something’s funny, I think it’s REALLY funny and laugh to the point of laughing and crying hysterically for like 10 minutes. It’s like I’m getting all this laughter build up out of my system. The Man calls it emptying my giggle box. It’s rather embarrassing.

6. I have a hearing loss and have worn hearing aids much of my life. I was born with the loss. I quit wearing the hearing aids in 8th grade because I had a teacher who liked to yell in them. She also liked to yell slowly, which made it even worse. “Class, please turn to page 83 in your text book. MMMIIIISSSSSS SMMMIIIIITTTTHHHH, PPPPLEEEEASSSSSEEE TTTUUUURRRNNNN TOOO PPAAAAAGGGEEE EEEIIITTGGGHHHYYY SIIIIXXX IIINNNNN YYYYYOUUUUR BOOOOOKK. DDDIIIIIIIIDDDDD YOOOOUU HHHEEAAARRR MMMEEE? PPPPAAAGGGGE EIIIGGHHHTTYYY SIIIIIXXX. GOOOOODDD GIIIRRRRLL.” It was like a stinking whale call. She didn’t get the concept that those things in my ears were there to prevent her from doing that. I got tired of the dang things whistling and worrying that people thought I wasn’t smart, so I put them up and haven’t worn them since. I’ll probably get some new ones in the near future. Side note: It’s pretty cool that I do music for a living and have a hearing loss. Completely a God thing.

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7. I really value quiet time and am a bit of a wallflower. It’s strange. In my professional life, I can be completely comfortable on stage in front of  5,000 people, come off the stage and be really comfortable with talking with people and not even flinch, but in my personal life I’m actually very reserved and quiet. If The Man and I go out with a group of friends, you’ll hear more out of him than you will me. I just like quiet. I don’t like loud and busy in my personal life. Maybe it’s because I’m around noise so much. Someone once told me that a lot of musicians and artists are like that and that they heard Harrison Ford was like that too. I was like, “Cool. I’m Indiana Jones.”

Well, there’s my 7 things. I had much more things like: I hate the words pupil and phlegm, I was a Georgia state champion in  the black belt and musical kata division of competitive Tae Kwon Do, I take family traditions incredibly serious, I hate wet paper, my feet are almost as big as The Man’s, I said “Muppets” wrong until about a year ago, and I really like vintage things and boots of all kinds.

Now, on to the next trend. 🙂

See ya soon!



Red, Yellow, Black, and White

Why, hello people I love.

Recently, I’ve gotten a lot of messages and questions concerning my thoughts on the racial issues that have been so magnified in the media lately. I tend to stay away from talking about them, because it can be a topic where nobody wins. However, one of the best questions I’ve gotten is how my parents explained to me the topic of race, who I was ethnically growing up and what that meant for me. Most of you know I’m biracial. It’s never really been a big deal to me, as it was never a big deal to the people who surrounded me.

My good friend, Jasmine Cochran, wrote a blog that I’d say really puts it very well. She’s an incredible speaker and an incredible writer. Take a read.

This One Life

judah wesley kate

These two have no idea. All they know is that they’re shorter than the rest of the people in their homes, and when they get together, they have size and ballet in common. They understand each other’s tiny voices. They understand that if the other one takes a toy she’s playing with, the playroom will become an MMA ring. What they don’t understand is that one day, sooner than any thinking person would like, they’ll be ridiculed for their friendship for no other reason except that one of them has more melanin than the other. And you know who’ll teach them to think that way? The big people around them.

I know these two kids. One is mine, the other is her friend, so I know that such hatred won’t come from their parents. But like it or not, we live in a nation full of people who hate other…

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